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Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 2002-10-11 | 8.2 KB | 159 lines |
- :Base Plat7_en.hlp>Second
- :Title Panda Antivirus Platinum
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Introduction to Panda Antivirus Platinum=10>Second
- 2 Characteristics of Panda Antivirus Platinum=15>Second
- 2 Virus entry points=20>Second
- 2 Why all Antiviruses are not the same=25>Second
- 2 Where do viruses hide?=30>Second
- 2 Computer viruses, Worms and Trojans=35>Second
- 2 How to avoid infection=70>Second
- 2 Practical tips to protect yourself against viruses=75>Second
- 2 Online registration=85>Second
- 2 Rescue disks=80>Second
- 1 Install / Uninstall
- 2 Installation requirements=90>Second
- 2 Install Panda Antivirus Platinum=95>Second
- 2 Uninstall Panda Antivirus Platinum=100>Second
- 1 Description of Panda Antivirus Platinum
- 2 Run Panda Antivirus Platinum=105>Second
- 2 Main antivirus window=110>Second
- 2 Operations from the Windows taskbar=115>Second
- 2 Pop-up menus=120>Second
- 1 Status
- 2 Current antivirus status=135>Second
- 2 Permanent scan or permanent Antivirus protection (file and mail) and the Firewall=140>Second
- 1 Virus scan - Scan
- 2 Scan types (Virus scan)=145>Second
- 2 On-demand scans
- 3 On-demand scan=150>Second
- 3 How to perform a scan (On-demand / Scheduled)=160>Second
- 3 How to configure a scan (on-demand / scheduled / permanent)=165>Second
- 3 How to create a new scan (on-demand / scheduled)=170>Second
- 3 How to edit or modify a scan? (On-demand / Scheduled)=171>Second
- 3 How to delete or remove a scan? (On-demand / Scheduled)=172>Second
- 2 Scheduled scans
- 3 Scheduled scan=155>Second
- 3 How to perform a scan (On-demand / Scheduled)=160>Second
- 3 How to configure a scan (on-demand / scheduled / permanent)=165>Second
- 3 How to create a new scan (on-demand / scheduled)=170>Second
- 3 How to edit or modify a scan? (On-demand / Scheduled)=171>Second
- 3 How to delete or remove a scan? (On-demand / Scheduled)=172>Second
- 2 Permanent scan or permanent protection (Antivirus and Firewall)
- 3 Permanent scan or permanent Antivirus protection (file and mail) and the Firewall=140>Second
- 3 How to enable / disable the permanent scan or protection=225>Second
- 2 Firewall
- 3 What is a Firewall?=525
- 3 Firewall functions=530
- 3 How to install or enable Panda Antivirus Platinum's firewall?=531
- 3 View network activity through the Firewall=540
- 1 Scan configuration
- 2 How to configure a scan (on-demand / scheduled / permanent)=165>Second
- 2 Scan configuration - Scan tab (on-demand / scheduled / permanent file protection)=180>Second
- 2 Scan configuration - Actions tab (on-demand / scheduled / permanent file protection)=185>Second
- 2 Scan configuration - Exclusions tab (on-demand / scheduled / permanent file protection)=195>Second
- 2 Scan configuration - Warnings tab (on-demand / scheduled / permanent)=190>Second
- 2 Scan configuration - Scheduler tab (Scheduled)=220>Second
- 2 Scan configuration - E-mail - News tab (permanent mail protection)=210>Second
- 2 Schedule predefined scheduled scans (System startup scan and Windows startup scan)=345>Second
- 2 Schedule scans created by the users=350>Second
- 2 Configure the extensions to scan=215>Second
- 1 Firewall configuration
- 2 How to configure Panda Antivirus Platinum's Firewall?=535
- 2 How to configure a scan (on-demand / scheduled / permanent)=165>Second
- 2 Firewall configuration - Access tab=221
- 2 Firewall configuration - Security tab=222
- 2 Firewall configuration - Phone connections tab=223
- 2 Firewall configuration - Advanced programs options (Addresses and Ports)=224
- 2 Firewall configuration - Define rules in the Firewall (General, Protocols and ports, Directions)=226
- 1 Antivirus configuration
- 2 General antivirus configuration=200>Second
- 2 General antivirus configuration - General=235>Second
- 2 General antivirus configuration - Mail profile=230>Second
- 2 General antivirus configuration - Update=241>Second
- 2 General antivirus configuration - Sounds=245>Second
- 2 General antivirus configuration - Restrictions=250>Second
- 1 Antivirus update
- 2 What is an update?=255>Second
- 2 How to update the antivirus (update wizard)=260>Second
- 2 Automatic antivirus update=265>Second
- 1 Hospital and Quarantine
- 2 What is the Hospital?=196>Second
- 2 Hospital - Quarantine=275>Second
- 2 Actions on the files in Quarantine=270>Second
- 1 Services
- 2 What are the services and how can I use them?=300>Second
- 2 What services does Panda Antivirus Platinum include?=305>Second
- 2 What is an update?=255>Second
- 2 Send suspicious file to Panda (SOS Virus)=315>Second
- 2 FAQs (Frequently asked questions and answers)=320>Second
- 2 Send technical enquiries via e-mail=325>Second
- 2 Suggestion box=330>Second
- 2 Information on other Panda Products and Services=335>Second
- 1 Information and warnings system
- 2 Information
- 3 Scan and permanent protection report (Antivirus and Firewall)=310>Second
- 3 Scan progress and possible incidents=175>Second
- 3 Virus List (Information)=340>Second
- 3 View network activity through the Firewall=540
- 2 Warnings system
- 3 Warnings system=545
- 3 Warnings - Antivirus updated=550
- 3 Warnings - Update NOT performed (User name and password)=555
- 3 Warnings - Update NOT performed (Proxy authentication)=560
- 3 Warnings - Update NOT performed (Connection)=565
- 3 Warnings - Update interrupted=570
- 3 Warnings - Disinfectable files in Quarantine=575
- 3 Warnings - Virus Detected=580
- 3 Warnings - Virus Neutralized=585
- 3 Warnings - Dangerous file=590
- 3 Warnings - Mail protection and the firewall is disabled=595
- 3 Warnings - Intrusion attempt blocked=600
- 3 Warnings - Unauthorized phone connection=605
- 3 Warnings - Dangerous message send detected=610
- 3 Warnings - Script Blocked=615
- 3 Warnings - Register your Antivirus now=620
- 1 FAQs (frequently asked questions and answers)
- 2 FAQs (Frequently asked questions and answers)=320>Second
- 2 FAQ 1: I have another antivirus installed, can I install Panda Antivirus Platinum?=355>Second
- 2 FAQ 2:
- Por Qu
- No se Ejecuta Directamente el Proceso de Instalaci
- n al Insertar el CD-ROM de Panda Antivirus Platinum?=360>Second
- 2 FAQ 3: How do I run the installation process manually?=365
- 2 FAQ 4: What if Panda Antivirus Platinum is already installed on my computer?=370
- 2 FAQ 5: Which language should I select at the beginning of the installation process?=375
- 2 FAQ 6: What happens if I do not accept the license agreement?=380
- 2 FAQ 7: Do I have to scan the memory and/or the hard drive before starting the installation?=385
- 2 FAQ 8: FAQ 8: What if I perform a scan before the installation process and a virus is detected?=390
- 2 FAQ 9: In which directory do I have to install the antivirus?=395
- 2 FAQ 10: What does Scan memory at startup mean?=400
- 2 FAQ 11: Is it necessary to create Rescue Disks?=405
- 2 FAQ 12: What are the Rescue Disks?=410
- 2 FAQ 13: What is the Online registration? Why do I have to register?=415
- 2 FAQ 14: Do I have to restart my computer when the installation process is complete?=420
- 2 FAQ 15: How do I perform a predefined scan?=425
- 2 FAQ 16: How do I know which items will be checked by a predefined scan?=430
- 2 FAQ 17: Can I create a new scan job? How?=435
- 2 FAQ 18: Can I delete a scan job I created?=440
- 2 FAQ 19: How can I scan a single folder or file?=445>Second
- 2 FAQ 20: How can I perform a full system scan?=450>Second
- 2 FAQ 21: What does Scan the Operating system mean?=455>Second
- 2 FAQ 22: I want more information on a virus. Where can I find it?=460>Second
- 2 FAQ 23: What can I do if a file is considered suspicious?=465>Second
- 2 FAQ 24: How can I send a file to Panda?=470>Second
- 2 FAQ 25: I have disinfected a virus, why does its name still appear in the report?=475>Second
- 2 FAQ 26: What happens if I disable the permanent protection?=480>Second
- 2 FAQ 27: How do I know if the antivirus is up-to-date?=485>Second
- 2 FAQ 28: How do I configure the antivirus update?=490>Second
- 2 FAQ 29: Does the antivirus update itself automatically or do I have to update it manually?=495>Second
- 2 FAQ 30: How often should the antivirus be updated?=500>Second
- 2 FAQ 31: What is a predefined scan? How do I perform it?=505>Second
- 2 FAQ 32: How do I select the items that I want to scan?=510>Second
- 2 FAQ 33: Can existing scan jobs be deleted? How?=515>Second
- 2 FAQ 34: How do I uninstall Panda Antivirus Platinum?=520>Second
- 2 FAQ 35: How do I Know which Version of Panda Antivirus Platinum I Have?=521>Second
- 2 FAQ 36: More information about access to shared folders=625
- 1 Print this Help
- 2 Print this Help file=5>Second